Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an inflammation of the vagina that occurs when the bacterial balance in the vagina is off. The vagina has natural bacteria. However, when harmful bacteria overgrows in the vagina, it causes inflammation. 

Most women in their reproductive years are vulnerable to BV, although the majority do not show symptoms. However, when the symptoms show, they include a "fishy" smell, thin whitish or greenish discharge, vaginal itching, and burning when urination. 

While it's still unclear how BV happens, sexual activity with multiple or infected partners increases the risk of infection. What's more, any habits that disrupt the balance of bacteria in the vagina, such as douching and not using condoms during sex, may cause BV.

Over The Counter BV Treatments 

If you do have bacterial vaginosis don’t worry, there is a simple treatment to get rid of BV’s annoying symptoms. Gynagyn BV is a safe alternative treatment to prescription antibiotics. This vaginal gel combines lactic acid and hyaluronic acid to treat BV and associated symptoms. After seven days of use, you can expect reduced symptoms and a normal pH balance to prevent a recurrence. 

Afterward, follow up the BV treatment with the Gynafresh VW for a fresh and clean vagina. Gynafresh VW is a hygienic feminine wash that restores the freshness of the vagina by killing bad bacteria, restoring the pH balance of the vagina, eliminating dryness, and preventing itchiness and foul odours.

Preventing Reoccurring BV

Once you have treated your BV here are several home remedies you can try to reduce reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis. These treatments may help restore the bacterial balance in the vagina and prevent re-infection. 

  1. Yogurt 

Yogurt is a common dairy product derived from culturing milk with lactic acid-producing bacteria. Some yogurt brands provide probiotics, which are healthy living microorganisms with health benefits if consumed in the right amounts.  

Yogurt is famous as a probiotic product because of the fermentation process. The milk ferments to form yogurt, which you then consume. However, it's crucial to confirm if the yogurt you're eating has enough probiotics to make a significant difference in preventing BV. 

Some yogurt is heat-treated after fermentation, which means all the microorganisms die. Therefore, it's best to check if the yogurt has the primary cultures - lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus or is labeled probiotic. 

  1. Probiotics 

If you're uncertain if yogurt meets the basic criteria for probiotics, consider buying probiotic supplements. Taking probiotic supplements daily improves the healthy bacteria in the vagina. 

A study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life shows that taking probiotic supplements is useful in preventing reocurrence of BV. The study has 173 participants between 20-40 years who had BV. The patients who took probiotic capsules along with antibiotics had low BV recurrence.

Notably, the participants who did not take probiotics had at least 3 recurrences every year. The study also noted that vaginal capsules with probiotics caused lower recurrence among the patients.

  1. Garlic 

You can never have too much garlic in your meals, and evidence shows that garlic does more than please your taste buds. Garlic is a famous home remedy that is beneficial for keeping away BV. A study published in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal sought to investigate the effect of garlic tablets and antibiotics on bacterial vaginosis. 

The participants were divided into two groups. One group was treated with garlic tablets, while the other consumed oral metronidazole for seven days. The results show that the therapeutic effects of garlic tablets on BV were like those of metronidazole. 

Patients experienced lesser symptoms when using garlic as a treatment. More importantly, patients reported more side effects when consuming metronidazole. Therefore, garlic is an excellent herbal home remedy for preventing BV. 

  1. Tea Tree Oil 

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is an extract of the Australian tea tree. This oil has antibacterial properties when used topically. Many people use tea tree oil to treat conditions such as dandruff, lice, athlete's foot, acne, as well as reduce symptoms of BV.

It's important to note that tea tree oil is an essential oil. As such, it should not be taken orally or used directly without a carrier oil. Examples of carrier oils are coconut oil, olive oil, and sweet almond oil. 

It's also crucial to check if you are allergic to tea tree oil before application. Spread a small amount on the back of your hand and check for irritation or inflammation between 24 and 48 hours. Also, ensure that you only purchase the oil from a reputable source to ensure the purity and authenticity of the oils. 

  1. Boric Acid

Recurrent BV is a common problem for BV patients. It's suggested that a vaginal biofilm formed during BV increases recurrence. Removing this biofilm with boric acid has been shown to reduce recurrence among vulnerable patients. 

One study sought to investigate the effect of boric acid on BV. The researchers treated the patients with both oral medication and intravaginal gels. After treatment, the researchers found that introducing topical boric acid to patients with recurrent BV caused remission. 

It's crucial to note that boric acid is toxic if consumed orally. Also, pregnant women and children should avoid boric acid treatments. If you wish to use boric acid, purchase boric acid suppositories for direct vaginal insertion and consult your physician.

  1. Hygienic, Safe Practices 

Controlling BV and preventing recurrence also depends on hygienic practices. For example, it's crucial to wear clean, breathable cotton underwear that allows your vagina to breathe. A safe approach is also to buy new underwear after infection to avoid bad bacteria. 

Since BV is transmitted through sexual partners, it's important to use condoms during sex to prevent bacterial transfer. When you use the bathroom, always wipe front-to-back to prevent spreading bacteria from the anus into the vagina. Lastly, avoid douching and use safe and approved feminine washes such as GynaFresh VW instead. 

Reduce Your Use of Antibiotics to Treat BV

The World Health Organization is cautioning the overuse of antibiotics to treat infections, as overuse is causing antibiotic resistance on a large scale. Using a non-antibiotic proven BV treatment such as Gynagyn BV is a better alternative. Try it today and if you are not 100% satisfied, we will give you your money back, we guarantee it!